Email Marketing
Email Marketing Campaigns
It may be from the 90’s, but it still works!
Thankfully, not much has hung on from the 90’s. But email has. And while it’s one of the oldest avenues of connecting with your customers, it’s still one of the best.
The email has a higher conversion rate than search, direct traffic, and social media! And we all know it’s cheaper to sell to an existing customer than a new one.
With email, you have a personal line of connection, with messages that can easily change and automations that make the process effortless.
What are you waiting for?

What can you do with Email?
- Thank new customers for business
- Show your company culture
- Give special coupons and discounts to loyal customers
- Take potential customers from ‘just curious’ to hooked!
- Elicit reviews and referrals
For every $1 spent on email, an average of $38 is returned.